COmmissioned WORKS
CREATION FOR - FREEBODIES COMPANY, Creation & Performance Program, Barcelona
Direction - Clémentine Télesfort & Lisard Tranis
Choreography - Clémentine & Lisard in collaboration with the dancers
Production - FreeBodies Company
Rehearsal direction - Ombline Huvelle
Costumes - Clémentine Télesfort
Dancers - Eliora Verdeil, Romane Postel, Mira Feline Clara Urbassek, Vanessa Spörri, Astrid Gabriel, Cecilia Franceschelli, Melissa Salimbeni, Linda Zaniboni, Noemie Richard, Zélia Sanchez Battestini, Julia Miralles, Paula Sanchez, Guillem Batlle
When a diversity of individualities meet and encounter to compose and decompose poetic images, the stage suddently becomes a timeless canvas. Then, landscapes of a distorted reality appear, where time is relative to the observer.
Hang on, 2023
4th years Contemporary Dance
Direction - Clémentine Télesfort & Lisard Tranis
Choreography - Clémentine & Lisard in collaboration with the dancers
Production - IAB (Institute of the Arts Barcelona)
Rehearsal direction - Alícia Rodríguez
Dancers - Ása Sigrúnardóttir, Blanca Doeswijk, Eira Arnekleiv, Elin Åström, Etana Mussel, Freya Färnlöf, Lys Cabral, Maeve Howard, Ninni Kelokaski, Sarah Flavelle, Sascha Svane, Silvia Aguiar, Vanessa Rohrmeister, Yuliia Fedunko
Hang-on is a piece for 14 dancers stemming from the physical research of the act of both falling and supporting. How much do we risk to let go and do we dare to rely on the support we are given? Maybe there is strength and power to be found in holding-up each other.
EFIMER, 2019
CREATION FOR - MUSEU DE CIÈNCIES NATURALS, La nit dels museus, Barcelona
Creation, direction & interpretation - Lisard Tranis & Clémentine Telesfort
Commission - Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
With the support of - Centre Civic de Besòs, Barcelona
Efimer is a piece commission by the Museu de Ciències Naturals of Barcelona that takes inspiration from the evolutionary processes of species and life forms. Set in the heart of the museum, this site specific piece was presented at the Nit dels museus 2019.